Cold Feet: have a warm footbath just before going to bed.
Hot Feet: Soak one pair of long tube socks in cold water and pull on. Put another slightly longer dry pair on top – remove them when you wake up.
Cold Lower Body Washing: Just before going to bed use a folded kitchen towel and wash the lower body. Without drying, put on your pajamas and go to bed.
Do some testing: If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep you need to get to the root cause. We now offer in our Shop, In-Home Neurotransmitter & Hormone Lab test kits. We have a special one for a Sleep Panel. Insurance does cover the test kits so just stop in the shop and pick one up, fill out the paperwork, collect the samples and send it to the lab in the prepaid box. The results will come directly back to Dr. Kellerman, then one of the office staff will call you to schedule a Consultation to review the results.