Client Questionnaire

    Bio-ldentical Questionnaire

    Please answer all of the questions as accurately and as fully as possible

    Please complete your questionnaire and all consent forms at least two (2) days before your scheduled appointment.

    1. Patient lnformation

    2. How did you hear about us?

    3. Can you tell us more about who referred you?

    4. What are the top three symptoms/problems related to hormones you
    would like to see improved, in the order of most important to least important?

    5. Please score the factors below on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = Awful, 10 = Outstanding)











    My energy level

    My sense of well-being

    Medical History

    6. Please list your medical history - past and current.

    7. List all medications you currently take and the dosage.

    8. Please list any medication or latex allergies.

    9. List any supplements or vitamins you use regularly.

    10. How many hours do you sleep each night?

    11. Do you smoke?

    12. Do you drink alcohol?

    13. Do you exercise?

    14. Was your most recent blood work test done within the last year? (if so, please bring results consultation).

    15. List of current stressors

    Family History

    16. Have you or any of your family members been diagnosed with:





    Autoimmune Condition

    Cancer (Breast)

    Cancer (Colon)

    Cancer (Ovarian)

    Cancer (Uterine)

    Cancer (Other)



    Fibrocystic Breasts

    Heart Disease


    Psychiatric Disorder

    Thyroid Disorder

    List of Symptoms

    C 17. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Poor tolerance to stress

    Anxiety with stress

    Low blood pressure

    Tired during the day

    Fatigue / mood improvement after sugar/sweets

    Salt cravings


    Inflammatory disease(arthritis, etc.)

    Food or medication allergies

    Brown spots or increased pigmentation

    Eczema, psoriasis or dandruff

    Weak or tired when standing up

    Frequent urination

    M 18. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Poor sleep

    Difficulty falling asleep

    Awakening during the night

    Excessive pondering of problems at night

    Waking up tired(too little sleep)

    GH 19. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Thinning hair

    Thinning skin

    Longitudinal lines on nails

    Premature wrinkling on face

    Loose or sagging skin

    Thinning lips


    Decreased muscle strength or tone

    Flabby muscles(triceps of arm or other)

    Wrinkled Hands

    Flabby drooping belly

    Often sick

    Easily exhausted

    Difficult to do daily required tasks

    Poor motivation for required task

    Constant tiredness

    Difficult to stay up late

    Difficult to recover after staying up late

    Need for lots of sleep (over 10 hours)

    Low resistance to stress

    Difficult to recover after a stressful situation

    Not assertive

    Very emotional

    Mood Swings


    Low self-esteem


    Tendency to give sharp verbal retorts

    Tendency to isolate

    T 20. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Sensitive to cold

    Cold hands or feet

    Generalized fatigue

    Hoarse voice

    Sleepy during the day

    Distracted easily

    Poor motivation for required tasks



    Water retention

    Constantly swollen eyelids

    Swollen eyes in the morning

    Swollen calves/feet

    Difficulty losing weight, despite dieting


    Coarse (rough) skin

    Slow heart palpitations

    Muscle cramps

    Tingling or numbness in extremities

    Stiff joints in the morning

    Joint pain worse with cold temperatures

    Hoarse voice in the morning

    Dry skin (feet/elbows/general)

    Slow growing or brittle nails

    Diffuse hair loss

    Muscle achiness or soreness

    Low body temperature

    Diminished sweating

    Yeast Questionnaire

    The total score for this section helps us to determine the probability of yeast overgrowth as being a significant factor in your symptoms.

    21 . Please answer the following questions.

    Please calculate the total number of points for each "yes" answer and type it at the bottom of this page.



    Have you been treated for acne with tetracycline, erythromycin or any other antibiotic for one month or longer? [50 points]

    Have you taken antibiotics for any type of infection for more than two consecutive months, or in shorter courses over three times in a 12-month period? [50 points]

    Have you ever taken an antibiotic - even for a single course? [6 points]

    Have you ever had prostatitis or vaginitis? [25 points]

    Have you ever been pregnant? [5 points]

    Have you ever taken birth control pills? [15 points]

    Have you taken corticosteroids, such as Prednisone, Cortef, or Medrol? [15 points]

    When you are exposed to perfumes, insecticides, or other chemicals or odors, do you experience wheezing, burning eyes, or other distress? [15 points]

    Are you symptoms worse on damp or humid days or in moldy places? [20 points]

    Have you ever had a fungal infection that was difficult to treat, such as jock itch, athlete's foot, or a nail or skin infection? [20 points]

    Do you crave sugar or bread? [20 points]

    Does tobacco smoke cause you discomfort, such as wheezing or burning eyes? [10 points]

    22. Total the points to all questions to which you answered "yes" and please enter that number in the box provided.

    23. Are you a male or female?

    Women Only

    24. Are you currently pregnant?

    25. Do you plan to become pregnant within the next 12 months?

    26. Female Medical History. Please enter "N/A" if not applicable.

    27. Results Section. Please enter "N/A" if not applicable.

    28. Complaints

    29. Stress

    P 30. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Irritable before menstruation(PMS)

    Swollen breasts/belly before menstruation

    Breast cysts

    Fibriods of uterus


    General irritability

    Generalized anxiety

    E 31. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Old looking than age

    Loss of attention to details

    Bleeding gums or poor teeth

    Fatigue throughout the day

    Poor recovery from physical exercise


    Poor Memory

    Hot flashes

    Excessive sweating

    Dry eyes

    Dry vagina

    Pain during intercourse

    Pale skin

    Wrinkles around eye/forehead/mouth

    New body hair

    Drooping breasts

    Bladder infections

    Urinary incontinence

    First menstruation before 12 or after 15

    Depression after menstruation

    T 32. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Low libido(sex drive)

    Difficulty achieving orgasm

    Poor muscle tone/decreased strength

    Excessive fat


    Varicose veins


    Bruising easily

    Men Only

    24. Male Medical History

    T 25. Do you ever have the following symptoms?

    Never or No Symptoms

    Few or Sometimes

    Moderate or Regularly

    Much or Often

    Always or Extreme

    Older looking than age

    Loss of feeling of well-being

    Loss of attention to details

    Poorly motivated

    Excessive fat


    Loss of muscle mass or strength

    Poor recovery from physical activity

    Poor endurance

    Poor motivation for required tasks



    Decreased memory


    Very emotional

    Hair loss

    Poor beard growth

    Scarce body hair

    Bleeding gums or poor teeth

    Dry eyes

    Pale skin

    Wrinkles on face/palm of hand

    Varicose veins


    Bruising easily

    Poor wound healing

    Poor muscle tone(triceps or other)

    Joint pains

    Excessive sweating

    Urination problems

    Urinary incontinence

    Loss of urine after urination

    Swollen prostate

    Low libido(Sex drive)

    Difficulty achieving orgasm

    Decreased ability to maintain an erection

    Decreased erections/firmness