Naturopathic Doctor's(ND's) are not medical doctors(MD's).
I understand that I should continue to see any medical doctors I am currently under the care of, and that any prescription medication should not be altered without first consulting your doctor who recommended it.
ND's are trained specialists who use non-invasive natural medicine, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and dietary changes to create a healthy environment in the body.
Your visit today is based on the belif that the body has a natural ability to heal itself, if given an appropriate internal and external healing environment.
Nothing said, done, typed, printed, or reproduced by us is intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or take the place of a licensed physician.
Signs of physical, mental, supplemental deficiencies or dietary stressors may be identified today. Information about traditional uses of supplementation that may create a healthy balance in the body may be discussed. This is not intended to be interpreted as a substitute for a licensed physician's treatment.
I am not on this visit or subsequent visit acting as an agent for the federal, state, country, local agencies, or news media on a mission of entrapment or investigation.